Guestbook Archive
Thank you for stopping by. Please sign Jeannie's Guestbook and let her know if you have any questions or comments. Please only leave messages appropriate for general audiences.
Guestbook Entries
I'm a Huge fan. My new wife and I are thrilled to be coming to Nashville in September on our honeymoon and will be the audience of the Opry the night of the 27th to see you in person. God Bless
Joe Zuber <[email protected]>
Blackwood, NJ USA - Thursday, September 04, 2003 at 20:39:10 (EDT)
We heard you for the first time last Tuesday night at the Grand Old Opery...You were so wonderful..We went out and bought what we could find of you...Hope you come to Wisconsin..we'de love to hear you sing again..
Danette <[email protected]>
Sparta, WI USA - Sunday, August 31, 2003 at 17:36:18 (EDT)
Use to live in Clarksville area but we are now at the military post in Seoul, Korea. I still listen to the Opry over the internet. I always enjoy listening to you on your segment.
Rita Keane <[email protected]>
Seoul, Korea - Sunday, August 31, 2003 at 01:14:38 (EDT)
Jeannie, I think you are one of the very best country singers,and I especially remember a song you sang on the opry a few years back called the DIVORCE SONG, as you said you had written it. One line went something like when we said we do and we don't. I hope you will know what song Im talkin' about. I am a friend of Jean Shepard too, and I always call her the First Lady Of Traditional Country Music!! Keep up the great songwriting and singing, and maybe you will sing that Divorce Song on the opry soon. Sincerely, Jeff.
Jeff Moran
USA - Thursday, August 28, 2003 at 21:18:54 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie....I have been reading and rereading the current newsletter from your fan club. Ann Allen is doing a super job. You must be very proud of Ann and the club. I am very proud to be in your Circle of Friends....continued success in your fabulous career. You have been my favorite country female singer for many years.....
Beverly Bolam <[email protected]>
Niagara Falls, NY USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 at 23:43:05 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie! I just wanted to say that your the GREATEST! I just joined your Circle of Friends about 2 weeks ago and i'm loving it already!
Tabby <[email protected]>
Thorn Hill, TN USA - Monday, August 18, 2003 at 16:04:35 (EDT)
Hi Guys, this's a nice job you have done on this site
sonnerie portable
USA - Monday, August 18, 2003 at 15:19:32 (EDT)
On behalf of the Circle of Friends, I want to thank each of you that came to Dollywood the past two weeks to see Jeannie in the new show, Randy Partons Country State of Mind. If you have not been able to come yet - try and make it in October - you will not be disappointed. I have noticed a couple of the newsletters on the web have listed August 16 as Jeannies anniversary on the Opry, unless I am totally wrong (which is possible) the date is September 16th. If any of you would like to become a member of Jeannie's Circle of Friends fan club - please contact me and I will send you the information - thanks again for all the support you give Jeannie - she is surely deserving and also very appreciative. Ann
Ann <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 08:01:00 (EDT)
I just noticed that today marks a big day for you..August 16,1967 Jeannie Seely became a member of the Grand Ole Opry. Thirty-Six years on the Opry and getting better every day....You are not only a great lady but a great entertainer. Randy Sillavan Trinity, Tx. In case you have forgotten me..Noel Stanley and I spent some time visiting you a few years ago when we worked in the Sheriffs Conroe,Tx. I will never forget your hospitality and getting me on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry for both Sat.nite shows....A milestone in my life. Thanks
Randy Sillavan <[email protected]>
Trinity, Tx USA - Saturday, August 16, 2003 at 20:13:04 (EDT)
USA - Thursday, August 14, 2003 at 03:21:40 (EDT)
USA - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 at 13:16:06 (EDT)
Received your CDs today. Had a listen, some nice material on them. Will be putting tracks from them on my radio show best wishes Graham
Graham Lees <[email protected]>
Manchester, England - Saturday, August 09, 2003 at 17:07:51 (EDT)
Hey Jeannie... need some of your music for my radio program in Cincinnati, Muldoon til Noon on WOBO 88.7 fm, Fridays from 8 am til 12 Noon. I play only Classic Country and Bluegrass... need more of your material. Mail to Muldoon til Noon Box 95 Marathon, OHio 45145. Email me back to get my "credential" info. God bless you and the good job you do for Country Music!
Gracie Muldoon from Muldoon til Noon on WOBO 88.7 fm <[email protected]>
Cincinnati, Oh USA - Saturday, August 09, 2003 at 07:57:06 (EDT)
Jeannie Seely, been one of my favorites going back to theJack Greene days, you were at Terri Hill, Pa. You haven't lost a thing since those days. Hang in there, Lots of Love from Pennsylvania
Donald E. Farmer <[email protected]>
Lititz, Pa USA - Saturday, August 02, 2003 at 14:07:15 (EDT)
E-MAil me Jeannie soon... I love you. You are the best ever! How is Sylvia, and Shadpoke? Chat soon love ya lots!
christy Smith Langley <[email protected]>
Evadale, tx USA - Friday, August 01, 2003 at 20:29:53 (EDT)
Really love you and Jean nice to see women my age performing and singing the "real country music"...
Peg Barrett <[email protected]>
USA - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 at 00:25:48 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie lt is so nice to finally be able to contact you and find out what is going on in your busy life, l,ve been a big fan of yours and a secret admirer l might add since l first seen you in l think about 1969 or 1970 at Cobo Hall in Detroit MI with Jack Greene. l wrote a letter to you awhile back and l am really pleased you wrote back with all the information l need to purchase your CD,s and be part of your website. l have a really nice letter that l want to send to you that fits you rite to tee. Take care and keep up the great work Regards Murray
Murray Bowden <[email protected]>
Sarnia, ON Canada - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 06:06:43 (EDT)
Sure do enjoy catching up on Jeannie's activity. Nice site.
Mike Hight <[email protected]>
Franklin , TN USA - Saturday, July 26, 2003 at 18:02:57 (EDT)
Just a short note to thank everyone that has posted about the newsletter - I definitely appreciate all the nice comments. Jeannie is a class act and surely deserves the best newsletter I can do to represent her. If anyone is close enough you need to try and see her when she returns to Dollywood on the 5th of August and then again in September and October - you will enjoy traditional country at its best!! Thankfully Dollywood listened to the people and brought the Legends back to the park - and I for one pray it will continue to be a part of the park each year. Happy to report we are getting new members all the time - come join the fun if you haven't already. Thanks again,
Ann <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Saturday, July 26, 2003 at 12:30:26 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie, I know I am late, but you looked wonderful last Sat. nite on the Opry, and as usual, sounded great. Really enjoying the fanclub. Have belong to many clubs in the past, but yors can't be beat. Ann, is doing a fantastic job. I look forward to the newsletter. Thanks again, hope everyone is enjoying their summer.
Judy Daigle <judy4554@hot>
Iota, La USA - Saturday, July 26, 2003 at 08:45:17 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie...I love being a part of your fan club. I'm so glad that after all those years you decided to finally have one. And who better to head it than Ann Allen. She is doing a fine, fine job and I am proud to call her friend.
Beverly Bolam <[email protected]>
Niagara Falls , NY USA - Friday, July 25, 2003 at 20:48:17 (EDT)
JAMES HOWARD <[email protected]>
WINSTON SALEM, N.C. USA - Thursday, July 24, 2003 at 07:54:55 (EDT)
Hey Jeannie, it's me again, the 14 year old! I just wanted to add on to my other entry!hehe!I would really love to hear from you! Please email me! I can't wait til august 9th! Thats when i hope to see you in the "Randy Parton Country State of Mind"! I am going to join your fan club too! Your Fan Club will be my 1st Fan Club i've joined! By the way, You looked absolutely great on the televised portion of the opry the other night! Well i'll let you go! I would absolutely love to hear from you! Love, Tabetha!
Tabetha Greene <[email protected]>
Treadway, TN USA - Wednesday, July 23, 2003 at 09:52:40 (EDT)
Hey! I'm 14 years old and a big fan of yours! I seen you perform on the opry saturday the 19th and i thought you was great! I love your song "Sentimental Journey"! I hope to hear it when i see you at "Randy Parton Country State of Mind" in August! I can't wait to see you and possibly meet you! I am a huge fan of Classic Country! To beat it all, my papaws name is Jack Greene but unfortunately it's not the singer Jack Greene! Like i said, i'm a big fan of yours! and also a big fan of Jean Shepard, Jan Howard, Dolly Parton, and a whole bunch more! I hope you are at fan fair next year so i can see you perform again maybe!
Tabetha Greene <[email protected]>
Treadway, TN USA - Tuesday, July 22, 2003 at 19:01:48 (EDT)
Absolutely outstanding! Those are the only words to describe Jeannie's performance on Saturday evening "Opry" appearance on CMT. I just wish you would have sang more! I can't wait for a new Seely CD!
MN USA - Monday, July 21, 2003 at 21:16:14 (EDT)
Hi...this is Jeannie! Just wanted say thank you to all of you for your warm, inspiring messages. Appreciate all the good comments on the Grand Ole Opry TV show when I host. It is always an honor to represent my generation on the show so it is especially important to me to look, sound and act my best! How about that Ann Allen getting us a nomination for Best Fan Club????She is something else and she makes me very proud! Thank you for your support in all I do...I know I don't tell you often enough, but I think it often enough! Shadpoke, Cheyenne and Hamilton think I don't play with them often enough!! Live, Love and Be Happy!
Jeannie Seely
USA - Monday, July 21, 2003 at 14:18:24 (EDT)
Aunt Jeannie, You looked great Saturday night - my mommy told me I could watch if I would keep quiet - after finding out it was you hosting - I was very good!!! I look the new "do" - mommy says she has to get used to it - but I told her it looked GREAT!!! Brittany was a bit jealous cause as you know her hair is kinda wild and curly - and she is happy with the competition! I told her to grow-up!!Anyway it was great seeing you hosting the TV portion - sure wish it was more often!!! Come see me soon!! Love to all my cousins!!!
Princeton <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Monday, July 21, 2003 at 11:40:58 (EDT)
RON CHITWOOD <[email protected]>
DENTON, NC USA - Saturday, July 12, 2003 at 23:24:25 (EDT)
As we were listening to the Opry tonight online, you sang my father's favorite song of all time--"Sentimental Journey." As this World War II veteran listened to your beautiful rendition, tears came to his eyes. Jeannie, this week we'll be celebrating my dad's 82nd birthday. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect birthday surprise! Thank you! You made his day--and ours, too!
The Hammond Family
St. Charles, MO USA - Saturday, July 12, 2003 at 22:07:30 (EDT)
Judy <[email protected]>
Iota, La. USA - Thursday, July 10, 2003 at 22:10:34 (EDT)
Mrs. Seely I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I am the Representative for the Nashville area for the George D. Hay Foundation. I am also the son in law of Vice President Marion Patterson. I have heard wonderful things about you and look forward to getting to meet you in person. Thank you for your help in supporting the Birth of the Grand ole Opery and the foundation. Feel free to get in touch with me if I can help with anything. Sincerely, Joe Wampler
Joe Wampler <[email protected]>
Old hickory, TN. USA - Tuesday, July 08, 2003 at 21:31:58 (EDT)
Happy Birthday Jeannie!
Hugh Moore
Durham, NC USA - Monday, July 07, 2003 at 00:17:52 (EDT)
Hi, Jeannie: I just wanted to say how much I love your music, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope to make it to Dollywood in Aug. I'd love to meet you, and have my picture taken with you. Thank you (and Ron Harman) for sending me a Hatch Show Print poster, of your 35th OPRY anniversary last year. I framed it along with the picture you sent me, Thank you so much, You were great on the OPRY last night!!!!!!!! I was wondering if you'd do a favor for me: I just finished a webpage, it is a salute to Bill Anderson, I'd like to invite you to check it out, (and especially, Sign my guestbook) You can find it at: (There's also a Lyrics page, The link for it is at the bottom of the salute page, PLEASE STOP BY!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Brad Yost <[email protected]>
Tazewell, VA USA - Sunday, July 06, 2003 at 17:45:08 (EDT)
Have a happy birthday , sorry I missed you at Greenup, I heard the Grand Ladys were no less than awesome. Eddie
Eddie <[email protected]>
Ashland, Ky USA - Thursday, July 03, 2003 at 23:48:52 (EDT)
You are a Sweetheart . I have enjoyed your music for many years and have seen you on stage at the Opry many times . Thanks for being a ' real ' person in Country Music .
Larry Olmsted <[email protected]>
Zeigler, IL USA - Thursday, July 03, 2003 at 04:12:02 (EDT)
Saw the movie "Changing Hearts". I cried like a baby and truly thought the movie was awesome. Jan and Jeannie did a great job! You two were naturals. Hope to see you in a new movie soon. Love ya
Carla Hunter <[email protected]>
Ashland, KY USA - Wednesday, July 02, 2003 at 21:15:19 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie> Wanted to tell you how much i love your singing. I got to play (as a guest) on the wwva jamboree on the samr night jack green was there.i,ve played a lot,in canada, and a lot in the usa.(i,m a bass player too) i used to sing your"don,t touch me" everyone just loves it! thanks for bending your ear. can,t wait to see you on the opry again! love
karen lee <[email protected]>
paden, wv USA - Wednesday, July 02, 2003 at 19:45:10 (EDT)
Jeannie: I am certain that you do not remember me. In the very early 80's I dated JR,(Hank's son), and we spent some very quality time at your place in TN when you still had Baby Love. I also went on a cruise with JR, his half sister, Hank and quite a few others. You called my sister, Dot Gentry, who lived close to you and told her when we would be returning home. She recently passed away, in May. My husband and I retired, moved to FL and he also passed away in March of this year. We would have been married 21 years the 29th of this month (June). I hope all is going well with you and yours. I will never forget the 'flower' you had growing beside the mail box. LOL, LOL. Anyway, I have a question. I have a friend who gives organ/piano lessons and is planning on composing a lesson book and would like to know who/how to contact as far as publishing this book. Oh, do you recall that I went into the Tennessee Air National Guard while I was dating JR? Any info/hints will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Connie
Connie(Harrison) Keen <[email protected]>
Spring Hill, DL USA - Friday, June 27, 2003 at 07:36:35 (EDT)
Jeannie is the greatest/
Staci <[email protected]>
DeQuincy, La. USA - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 at 02:39:29 (EDT)
JOY DOWNS THIELEN <[email protected]>
ASHLAND, KY USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 at 17:16:37 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie, your classic country songs live on via our Classic Country station CRGW from Newfoundland - Labrador Canada
Allen Willie/Tina Harnum <[email protected]>
St. John's, NL Canada - Saturday, June 14, 2003 at 10:01:55 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie - was in Nashville last week & saw you at the Golden Voice show, the Superstar show, & the Opry Ryman show. You are always a "class act" ! Rhonda Vincent looked great on the Opry show in that miniskirt - did she get that from your closet, ha,ha! Would like to hear you & Rhonda sing together! They should make her a regular Opry member, I think she would make a great addition to the "Grand Ladies".
Franklin, OH USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 19:17:40 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie was glad to see you at the Golden Voice Awards.We will see you again at the Circle club and hopefuly at the Opry.Jeannie Linda and I sure injoy seeing you. You just look like you are having so much fun and enjoy what you do.Jeannie take care of yourself and we will see you Saturday.
Ken and Linda Heaverin <[email protected]>
Murfreesboro, Tn USA - Friday, June 06, 2003 at 17:03:55 (EDT)
Jeannie, You are truly one of our country greats. Your show closing version (June 23 or 24-Opry) of your "When He Leaves You" was solid goose-bumps. A class act, every time!!
Bud White, M.D. <[email protected]>
Montgomery, Al. USA - Sunday, June 01, 2003 at 20:16:32 (EDT)
Jeannie, Just wanted to say how much I love your website and thanks again for the two gorgeous signed are a doll!!
Donna Long <[email protected]>
Knoxville, TN USA - Thursday, May 29, 2003 at 17:30:08 (EDT)
Hey girl.... great to hear from you.... sure do wish you were able to come out. We would love to see ya.... the message that you wrote to Mom and Dad is great..... My gal friends and I are thinking of taking a trip out your way next year.... hope you can meet up with us for some fun... My husband and I have been broke up for 4 years... and I am just hanging with the gals, designing horse ranches for a livin... and listening to good country music..... I really like Joe Nichols... what do you think? Oh and Wayne may make it to the gathering.... I should have married him.... Well I will let you go.... hope to see ya sometime....Tammy (remember me)
Tammy Bosworth- pillette <[email protected]>
corona, ca USA - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 13:04:10 (EDT)
I was at the Opry in July and want to thank you for a wonderful show and let you know that I'm very proud to have you in my photo album!
Debby Radke <[email protected]>
St. Joseph, MI USA - Saturday, May 10, 2003 at 17:52:51 (EDT)
Jeannie, Lawrence will be 70 on July 3rd. We are having a four day country jambaree Here at the Stadlwiser farm. Would love for you to come. It not, as I know your schedule is crazy, Could you please send picture to him signed with Happy Birthday. He has loved you forever and has all your tapes. (More than radio station collection of country singers.) Would love to have you here, 40 miles south of Calgary. Plese reply. Wife Linda God Bless You!
Lawrence Stadlwiser <[email protected]>
Cayley, Ab. Canada - Thursday, May 08, 2003 at 14:35:45 (EDT)
God bless you and your work! Peace! -- -- --
Sharon <[email protected]>
Nashville, TN USA - Tuesday, May 06, 2003 at 16:06:55 (EDT)
Hi Ann, I just voted. How many times may we vote? Thank you for all you do for us. tannis
tannis zamora <[email protected]>
Petersburg , TN USA - Thursday, May 01, 2003 at 13:05:49 (EDT)
Just a short note to ask all Jeannie supporters to go to the following site ( and vote for Jeannie and for the fan club - Thanks for all the support!
Ann <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Thursday, May 01, 2003 at 08:34:37 (EDT)
I had the pleasure of seeing Jeannie perform in Lancaster, Pa. as part of Legends Fest. What a great singer and entertainer. And not hard to look at either! If she would just loosen up and come out of her shell Love you Jeannie.
Ken Gallahan <[email protected]>
Alexandria, Va USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 at 21:05:03 (EDT)
Hi everybody! Just a quick note to let you know that I truly appreciate the support you are giving me and Ann Allen with my Circle Of Friends. She works so hard and does such a great job. Shadpoke, Cheyenne, Hamilton and I are sure enjoying this spring weather. Shad, Chey and I plant flowers and Hamilton sleeps on the front porch! We all hope you have a great spring at your house!
USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 at 17:34:36 (EDT)
Good morning everybody, I just received my quarterly newsletter today and I just had to come in here and publicly tell Ann Allen what a nice job she has done on this. LOL Funny the opening page of this website has a note from Jeannie saying "from the cluttered desk". Reason I say that is funny as in IRONIC is because to me the this newsletter is so clean and colorful and neat as I envision Jeannie to be. First thought when I opened that "white" envelope is "Now this is Jeannie." Pretty, upbeat, colorful and most of all neat and clean. Beyond professional, it has a touch of personal from Jeannie to her fans as if each fan was the only fan in the world. Her letter is so funny and has a personal connection to all of us that I can't see many artists having with their fans. Thank you Ann for taking on this "feat" for Jeannie Seely. Miss Jeannie, you have a true friend in Ann. We all can tell she truly knows and understands what you would expect in representation of your likes and dislikes. Can't wait to get the next newsletter. tannis and tony zamora
tannis zamora <[email protected]>
Petersburg, TN USA - Saturday, April 26, 2003 at 11:15:36 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie, I am a member of your Circle of Friends Club and wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying these great newsletters. I am so happy to be a member of this fan club. I am really looking forward to seeing one of your shows this year. Fran from indiana
Fran Mayer <[email protected]>
crown point, In USA - Saturday, April 26, 2003 at 08:35:01 (EDT)
I know it's taken me a while to write, but just wanted to say "hi" & love your website, too. Hope you'll get to Florida again real soon - miss Tn., but winters are great here (ha). Take care. Love ya - Joanne
Joanne Carroll <[email protected]>
Melbourne, Fl USA - Sunday, April 20, 2003 at 16:16:46 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie, Did not get to see you perform at dollywood in March or April,plan to be there august or september.Did you recieve the letter I sent by U.S. Mail?
jim stewart
ashland, al USA - Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 11:56:16 (EDT)
I saw Jeannie Seely at the Grand Old Opry some 15 years ago on a program with Hank Snow and Charlie Louvin. She debuted a new song she had written then which she called the divorce song, about how when you get married you go one place, but when you get divorced you go to another. I've searched everywhere in vain for a recording of this song, and am not even sure that's the correct name. It has lines like "as we stand here at the altar, or would our voices falter....." and "...I love you more today than I did then .....but I must set you free" Is this song on a CD of Jeannies? Please let me know, and if so, how can I get a copy.....Thanks.....George Mc Rae Flushing, New York
George Mc Rae <[email protected]>
Flushing, N.Y. USA - Saturday, April 05, 2003 at 00:28:23 (EST)
I Have enjoyed your music, I have been told my father did also, and that he had been down to the opry to see you as often as he could! I hope I get the chance to meet you someday.
Laurie "Duda " Johnson <[email protected]>
Cambridge Springs , Pa USA - Friday, April 04, 2003 at 21:45:08 (EST)
Please allow the web address correction. Thanks, Colonel Robert Morris
Col. Robert Morris <[email protected]>
Senatobia, Ms. USA - Friday, April 04, 2003 at 08:48:25 (EST)
I have been enjoying your music for many years. I've had the honor of playing and writing traditional country music all of my life. I was playing drums befor I could ride a bike. I am so proud that artist like you are keeping it country. If you should ever need a good traditional country song, just give a shout. Mr. Ashworth said that I have a real talent for writing. It took two days for me to come back down to earth. Hope to hear from your sometime in the future. Colonel Robert Morris
Col. Robert Morris <[email protected]>
Senatobia, Ms. USA - Friday, April 04, 2003 at 08:45:43 (EST)
Hey everybody: Brad here. I'd like to say "Happy Anniversary" to a good friend of mine,and of Jeannie's (and Shadpoke's), Ms. Jan Howard, Today is her 32nd anniversary as an OPRY member. (I don't really "know" her, but I've always wanted to say that I do) So go on over and sign Jan's Guestbook @ Jeannie, and everyone, Have A Great Day.
Brad Yost <[email protected]>
Tazewell, VA USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 at 08:14:34 (EST)
Jeannie, I love your light hearted attitude and all of your songs. I never thought small town girls could make it in the music industry. I guess you proved me wrong. May you have only continued success in the future. An Admirer from far, Phyllis
Phyllis Vincent <[email protected]>
Franklin, PA USA - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 at 12:04:47 (EST)
Hi Jeannie: Don and I saw you at the Little Nashville Opry on March 22, 2003 and wanted to tell you just how much we enjoyed the show. I've been watching you on the Grand Ole Opry for a long time now but I enjoyed the Little Nashville Opry more because you could do more. Your stories, jokes and all the songs were just super. I feel so fortunate to be as close to the Little Nashville Opry and have an opportunity to see you and all the great country stars that have performed there.
Carol Pitcher <bhp21736>
Indianapolis, In. USA - Monday, March 24, 2003 at 10:39:04 (EST)
Hey, Jeannie love your music and website. Love you on the grand ole opry.your a very nice looking woman. Keep up the good work of keep good country music alive. Take care!
Tyler Bolen <[email protected]>
Warsaw, OH USA - Friday, March 21, 2003 at 01:10:18 (EST)
Just a short note to let you know I did fax all your information to Jim Isberg a week or so ago. I hope you hear from him before long. When you do, please let me know..alright? Such a sad thing to lose Bill Carlisle, isn't it? Bless his heart. My Mama and Daddy are going to be here in about a week. I would love to get together, maybe you, my Mama and I can have lunch or something. Bless her heart, she is losing her eyesight....she can't read anymore and her diabetes is so bad. I am so glad they will be here for awhile. Maybe even a month! I will let you know when they get here, alright? I love ya, girl. Remember, if you need me to work with you at all...just call me. Take care and write to me at [email protected] . Alright? Bye for now. Diane.
Diane Berry <[email protected]>
Hendersonville, TN USA - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 at 14:21:32 (EST)
SANDY&DAVE HOLTMAN <[email protected]>
nashville, tn USA - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 23:06:18 (EST)
Hi Jeannie, I just found your web site, hello old roommate! I haven't seen you in so long, but I have seen you on tv and you look WONDERFUL, how do you do it girlfriend? I hear you on the Opry too, and your voice is just as beautiful as ever. I have been doing some research to write a book (one of these days) and its been like taking a trip down memory lane. I told Johnny "K" to give you my phone number but he kept telling me he forgot. I am living out here on a big farm in the country about fifthteen minutes from Center Hill Lake, I'm raising Spotted Saddle Horses and Tennessee Walking Pleasure Horses. I have about eighteen good ones now. I lost Jack in 1996, after only eight years together. With all my pets, I am holding it together. I know who Hamilton is named after!!! I have about eight dogs now, only two house ones, Emiley and Foxy (I did not name Foxy, you know I like more original names than that). I have only three that I had while Jack was still with us. They are outside dogs except for winter when their age takes presedence over the cold and I let them in. I have two cats in the house, Grace (who has seven toes on each foot and is pure white,) and ZOE who came to me three years ago with a black Turkish Angora named Elvis, from of all places, Moscow, Russia. Long story. Unfortunately, Elvis left us for a better place about two months ago. Did you know I took Gwen Jones (Frank's wife) in and took care of her until she died? I talk to Frank at least once a week now. I don't know when I will talk to Johnny again now that he is off the air. Email me and I will give you my phone number, maybe you would like to come out sometime and ride. I have the most beautiful Palomino stud that is just a baby doll, his name is Dozzie. I have some of the finest riding horses you will ever see and they are all big puppies. I remember your Palomino, Love....Funny how we remember some things. I am still rescuing animals, just not on the large scale as before. I now have an adopted adult son. He is a joy. Why didn't you tell me running a farm was so hard by yourself? I love it though, and where I live the view is so beautiful. Guess what? I live in part of the house that was once Bob Jenning's uncle, and the field next to me belonged to Bob's dad. His brother Gordon (who passed away a couple of years ago) came to visit me, his sisters Martha and Mary, and once Mary brought Robbie here. Small world. Jack is buried in the same cemetary as "Stumpy". Like I said, small world. I went to the ROPE banquet a couple of years ago, I hoped to see you there. I did get to see Joe Allison, and I saw Don Pierce and I got to see Tommy Hill before he died. I hear from Charlie Dick every once in awhile. Get in touch, would love to hear from you. Love you and God Bless you. I'm so glad to hear everyone in the family is okey, and yes, I have some great, great neices and nephews too. I know that my sister's , Betty and Margie would want me to send their best too. We are going to my timeshare in Vegas next month (April) I got a place at the Villas At Polo Towers, just across from the MontoCarlo and between Paris and MGM Grand. Maybe you can go on one of my trips sometime. I remember Gainesville, Ga., do you?
Judy "Myers" Redditt <[email protected]>
Alexandria, Tn. USA - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 16:17:11 (EST)
Just a short note to thank you again for the Friday Opry. I am going to fax all your information to Jim in South Dakota along with a note and your phone number. I am sorry, again, for your not being able to meet and talk with him. He was caught up in his session at James House's place. Hopefully, you'll hear from him before long and we can work together at the Lode Star. I would really enjoy that. If you ever need (or just want) me to travel on some shows with you, just ask. I would love to....and you would have a rhythm guitar along with harmonies. Keep me in mind. Love you bunches, Diane. Drop me a line if you have a few minutes at [email protected]. Alright? Bye for now.
Diane Berry <[email protected]>
USA - Monday, March 10, 2003 at 12:42:23 (EST)
Heard you on the Opry tonight. Wish I could have seen your hat. I think you would make a great hat act. Enjoyed your version of one of my all time favorites "Today".....
Beverly Bolam <[email protected]>
Niagara Falls, NY USA - Saturday, March 08, 2003 at 21:55:22 (EST)
Jeannie is my favorite female country singer. I can't wait for the new bluegrass cd on OMS to be released.
Ken Gallahan <[email protected]>
Alexandria, VA USA - Friday, March 07, 2003 at 20:05:48 (EST)
My husband, Bob and I have been looking for a song that he heard you sing in the late 1970-1980 time frame... called "Love Me". He was going through a divorce and he said that he listened to this song constantly and it comforted him greatly. He is not in the best of health right now... and he still talks about the song. I would like for him to be able to hear it, since music is the best medicine. I know it would be a comfort to him now that he is not feeling well... can someone help me find this song? I have also read through the website and realize what an impact Jeannie's music had on my life. Thanks for being a part of my musical memories.
sandye sumner <[email protected]>
Azle, TX USA - Friday, March 07, 2003 at 14:16:09 (EST)
CHUCK "DUSTY DAWG" WILSON <[email protected]>
IRELAND - Sunday, February 23, 2003 at 19:17:29 (EST)
Hi Jeannie, Saw your fan page with that handsome Kyle Harman...very nice photo of both of you! I am Ron's cousin, Patti, my daughters and I met you in April 2000. We enjoyed visiting with you and think you are a sweetheart. Keep on singin' and smiling!
Patti Wheeler <[email protected]>
North East, PA USA - Friday, February 21, 2003 at 17:35:50 (EST)
Please be sure to reset your bookmarks for any pages on Jeannies site. We have made several changes and your old bookmarks will not be valid any longer. Thanks, Cybermedia 2000 Design team
Webmaster <[email protected]>
Mt. Juliet, TN USA - Friday, February 21, 2003 at 14:55:38 (EST)
Douglas Adams said: It is a rare mind indeed that can render the hitherto non-existent blindingly obvious. The cry 'I could have thought of that' is a very popular and misleading one, for the fact is that they didn't, and a very significant and revealing fact it is too.
Douglas Said <[email protected]>
Italy - Friday, February 21, 2003 at 07:56:05 (EST)
Visited the Opry last weekend & enjoyed seeing you host & sing. You really do a good job of hosting. Hope to see you in Nashville Indiana in March. Would like for you to do "Allright I'll Sign the Papers" if possible on the early show. Thanks.
Franklin, Oh USA - Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 18:39:50 (EST)
I saw you at Galesburg, Il 2-16-03 filling in for Ralph Emery. You were outstanding in voice and the jokes were really funny. We enjoyed your show very much. Thank you for a wonderful evening.
carl colwell <[email protected]>
East Galesburg, ill USA - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 at 13:51:27 (EST)
Hi Jeannie, I am Nola, I live in Australia, about 6 years ago hubby and I had a dream trip to Nashville. We saw you on the opry, and loved it. You are an excellent host. I love this site I have found. All the best from a true fan.
Nola <[email protected]>
burnie, tas australia - Monday, February 17, 2003 at 02:30:52 (EST)
Hi Jeanne This is the first time visiting your site. Great site and very informative. Saw you last week on the Opry and you did a great job. Really enjoy hearing you sing and host the Opry.You are such a beautiful and talented lady. I will visit again. Hello Ann and a great job. Jackie
Jackie Cooper <[email protected]>
Richmond, In USA - Saturday, February 15, 2003 at 15:44:16 (EST)
Missy and I want to wish all of our four-legged friends out there a very happy Valentines Day - Hope your mom and dad, grandmother's and any other family you have - are really good to you today - and give you an extra "biscuit"!!
Princeton and Missy <aallen5660>
Sevierville, TN USA - Friday, February 14, 2003 at 11:27:09 (EST)
I find your page really interesting. Thank you.
Samantha Williams <[email protected]>
USA, none USA - Thursday, February 13, 2003 at 16:52:59 (EST)
No one can sing a country song like Jeannie Seely. I loved you on the Opry Sat night. I have always been a fan of hat acts and you certainly did the white Stetson justice. You are my favorite Opry lady and I wish you could host the Opry every week. With or without the hat, you are the best.
Beverly Bolam <[email protected]>
Niagara Falls, ny USA - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at 22:21:04 (EST)
I want to apologize for my mother not posting messages as often as she should, but I keep her as busy going for walks and throwing Lambchop as I can. What takes up most of her time is brushing my sister Cheyenne's hair! That and all of us standing out in the cold while she finds the perfect place to go to the bathroom! She's been traveling and working a lot...I told her I could cut back to one bisquit a day if that meant she didn't have to work so much! Well, she's packing again so I guess I'd better to in there and 'help her, at least keep my sister out of the suitcase! We'll talk later,,,take care of your pets! Love, Shadpoke Seely.
Shadpoke <>
Nashville, Tn USA - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at 21:33:51 (EST)
Jeannie, It was such a pleasure seeing you host the Opry. You are still a beautiful lady. I hope to see you again hosting the show. It is always a pleasure to see you and listen to you perform. You looked Great!!
Fran Mayer <[email protected]>
Crown Point, In USA - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at 17:04:59 (EST)
Hi Jeannie, As a member of your fan club I was thrilled to see you hosting the televised portion of the Opry. Not too many years ago, you girls weren't allowed to host and now it seems that only you and Jean Shepard get the privilege. And you, Miss Country Soul, always look so nice. The outfit Saturday night with the Cowboy hat was just PERFECT. Best part about you hosting is we get to hear you sing more then one song. You even end the show on time, but wish you were more like Marty Robbins!!! This coming weekend will be a real treat because you will be on all 3 segments. I will be listening on the radio and the tv Friday and Saturday night's Opry. God Bless you pretty lady.
tannis zamora <[email protected]>
Petersburg, TN USA - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at 17:00:07 (EST)
Hi Jeannie, As a member of your fan club I was thrilled to see you hosting the televised portion of the Opry. Not too many years ago, you girls weren't allowed to host and now it seems that only you and Jean Shepard get the privilege. And you, Miss Country Soul, always look so nice. The outfit Saturday night with the Cowboy hat was just PERFECT. Best part about you hosting is we get to hear you sing more then one song. You even end the show on time, but wish you were more like Marty Robbins!!! This coming weekend will be a real treat because you will be on all 3 segments. I will be listening on the radio and the tv Friday and Saturday night's Opry. God Bless you pretty lady.
tannis zamora <[email protected]>
Petersburg, TN USA - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at 16:59:24 (EST)
music has changed TOO much .. you and CONNIE SMITH are only 2 good singers left anymore i love to hear you do "BUBBLES IN MY BEER" as im a long time WESTERN SWING fan wayne
Wayne Reed <[email protected]>
tRUSSVILLE, Al USA - Tuesday, February 11, 2003 at 00:33:20 (EST)
Aunt Jeannie, You were fantastic Saturday night - but we knew you would be - and boy you looked great and sounded great!!! When are you coming up to visit?? Love to all the "kids" and you!!!
Princeton <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Monday, February 10, 2003 at 10:43:20 (EST)
Jeannie: Seen you Saturday night on the Televised hour of the Opry. You are a great hostess and you looked wonderful. Keep up the good work. Hang by your thumbs and write when you get work. It's a joke.
Robert Williams <[email protected]>
Browns Mills, NJ USA - Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 17:33:38 (EST)
hi jeannie you are a good song singer i like your song jimmy king
jimmy dale king <[email protected]>
judsonia, ar USA - Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 14:46:33 (EST)
Many, many thanks to Jeannie for coming to our country high up north - Norway - and many thanks for letting us hear some of the great hits of hers from the sixties and seventies. I hope to see Jeannie again at the Grand Ol' Opry, sometime, in the future. All the best, from a music friend in Norway: Svein
Svein Sorlie <[email protected]>
KOPERVIK, Norway - Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 14:07:09 (EST)
BERNICE MORGESE <[email protected]>
PT.ST.LUCIE, FL USA - Saturday, February 08, 2003 at 23:36:50 (EST)
my brothers i have just entered hereooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh because of MUGUOOOOOOOOOOOOH
mugu <[email protected]>
los angeles, USA - Tuesday, February 04, 2003 at 06:10:58 (EST)
Hi Jeannie: I am a 19 yr. old who is getting married later this year. I think that you have the best voice in music. Have you ever recorded any songs appropriate for a wedding?
Lyndsey Ball <[email protected]>
Stewart, OH USA - Saturday, February 01, 2003 at 15:00:07 (EST)
Jeannie: GREAT SHOWS on Saturday at the Orange Blossom Opry in Weirsdale, FL. Duets were also GREAT with Lorri and Darrel, sounded like you had been singing together forever. Come visit us again. Donna Scott (Custodian, Orange Blossom Opry)
Donna Scott <[email protected]>
Weirsdale, FL USA - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 22:52:37 (EST)
Hello Jeannie, How are you doing it has been a long time since I have seen or talked to you...I came to Nashville in March but you was not there I now have a daughter she will be one year old on Feb.7.. And my son is four will be five in June.. I am ok I would like you to E-mail me if you can...Love you lots...YOUR #1 Fan Christy Smith
christy Smith <[email protected]>
beaumont, tx USA - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 18:02:36 (EST)
Hi Jeannie, We just saw your performance at Wiersdale Fl's Orange Blossom Opry House and we thoroughly enjoyed you. You have a wonderful voice and really feel your songs. May our good Lord continue to bless your life and your voice. May you use that voice to praise Him, too, as I know you do.
Jacqueline & Carl Frisbie
USA - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 10:57:15 (EST)
Jeannie, It's me again. My computer crashed and I lost all my data and address book. Finally found you again and this time I'm making a copy of everything "just in case". Love you and come see us in Paradise.
Noel Stanley <[email protected]>
Volcano, Hawaii USA - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 02:02:05 (EST)
Just saw your show at the Orange Blossom Opry Weirsdale Fl. Great show. Loved your duets with Lori and Darrel. Come back again soon.
Ken & Marcia Burt <[email protected]>
Ocala, Fl USA - Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 23:15:24 (EST)
Hello, lovely lady. I really enjoy reading what your fans say to you. I would like to get together for lunch some day. I miss talking with you. If you ever need a great rhythm guitar player who, it just so happens, sings a pretty mean me! I also travel!! Love ya bunches, Diane.
Diane Berry <[email protected]>
Hendersonville, TN USA - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 11:07:11 (EST)
Hello, If you are a fan of country music, WSM 650, and the Opry as we know it, then please sign the petition below. Please also help us to circulate this petition to as many people and websites as you can. Several great people including Kyle Cantrell, Johnny 'K', and Matthew Gillian, have been fired from WSM. The sense is that this is just the start of personnel and programing changes at WSM. These changes could ultimately lead to major changes in WSM and to the Grand Ole Opry. This is serious again, folks. We need to fight this like we fought with the original Save WSM petition. If we don't keep fighting, were going to lose this battle, and possibly the Grand Ole Opry itself. Thanks in advance for your support. The petition only takes seconds to sign. You can sign it annonomously as well. GO TEAM!!! -Brad Yost
Brad Yost <[email protected]>
Tazewell, VA USA - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 15:02:20 (EST)
Hi, Aunt Jeannie - cool web site. love ya, Glennie
Glenda <[email protected]>
Lebonan, tn USA - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 22:11:47 (EST)
Jeannie, My wife and I have seen you many times at the Opry and can't begin to tell you how much we have enjoyed your music. You are a performer in the truest sense of the word and opitimize the truest meaning of country music and all that the Grand Ole Opry stands for. Thank you so much.
Nyle Everett <[email protected]>
North East, MD USA - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 22:16:06 (EST)
Hello, A new petition has been created that has a more visible comment section. We feel that the comments are an important part of getting our message across. Please sign the petition below even if you signed the other one. Thank you, Monica
Monica <[email protected]>
Newark, CA USA - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 03:04:23 (EST)
i'm looking up information about my seely incestory or about my dads backround
kayla seely <[email protected]>
overland park, ks USA - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 16:26:03 (EST)
Hello, If you are a fan of country music, WSM 650, and the Opry as we know it, then please sign the petition below. Please also help us to circulate this petition to as many people and websites as you can. Several great people including Kyle Cantrell, Johnny 'K', and Matthew Gillian, have been fired from WSM. The sense is that this is just the start of personnel and programing changes at WSM. These changes could ultimately lead to major changes in WSM and to the Grand Ole Opry. This is serious again, folks. We need to fight this like we fought with the original Save WSM petition. If we don't keep fighting, were going to lose this battle, and possibly the Grand Ole Opry itself. Thanks in advance for your support. The petition only takes seconds to sign. You can sign it annonomously as well. GO TEAM!!! Thanks, Brad.
Brad Yost <[email protected]>
Tazewell, VA USA - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 12:22:38 (EST)
Howdy Ms. Seely: I was so pleased to see you at the Opry,my first time ever And I had the time of my life.The chance to see Ms.Seely live - I was in awe.You and ms.Lorettalynn.Are my insperation.Todays music is good but I'm still in favor of traditional honkytonk swing music.I wore out the best of SEELY CD.Had to buy another at the Ernist Tubb Shop.I loved you in the family reunion veido.Keep the faith and the music alive .Your Friend Lori Westrick of Michigan.
lori westrick <[email protected]>
Marine, MI USA - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 16:15:30 (EST)
think you are great,thanks for the years of great entertainment and staying true to your roots,i will be at the hall of fame feb.6th. hope you will be there signing autographs.
jim stewart
ashland, al USA - Friday, January 10, 2003 at 15:31:07 (EST)
Saw you at the Opry Saturday night(1-4-03)....I was on the front row and am positive that you winked at me. This has made my whole year.
Robert <[email protected]>
Cheraw, sc USA - Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 11:12:55 (EST)
WOW, your voice is great!! Would love to see your act whenever your out west. I would even travel to the midwest. The younger generation have nothing on you!! Thank you from a 35 year old Fan!!!
Barry <[email protected]>
meridian, id USA - Friday, January 03, 2003 at 19:51:30 (EST)
Jeannie, I'm glad to see you have a website. I put one together in May at, and I posted some of my Faron Young articles there. The girls and I moved from Los Angeles to the East Coast in October.
Diane Diekman <[email protected]>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 21:15:50 (EST)
Great photo of Jeannie with Rita Coolidge and Jan Howard. Thank you for sharing.
Myra Handsaker <[email protected]>
USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 13:07:34 (EST)
Love the pictures! Thanks
Cathie Donlon
Louisville, Ky USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 11:16:56 (EST)
I have been a fan of yours for a long time.
Jim Myrick <[email protected]>
Meridian, Ms. USA - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 17:17:19 (EST)
I love your voice and your song Don't open the door. Where could I get the song? Would perfer cassett or C.D. Thank you, Jeannie
Jeannie McKenna <[email protected]>
glenburn , me USA - Friday, December 27, 2002 at 19:54:29 (EST)
Jeannie really enjoyed your website. Keep up the good work and hope to see you soon.
josh graves jr. <[email protected]>
Portland, TN USA - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 01:53:08 (EST)
Hello to the Greatest Lady Country Singer in Opry history. I have nothing against the young ladies of country music today, (except for the fact that a couple of them "yell" more than they sing. All they really have to do is sit down with a Jeannie Seely CD & LISTEN. Jeannie is still the "BEST"!!!!
Jerry L. Gayre <[email protected]>
Las Vegas, Nv, USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 18:55:42 (EST)
BOB ROBINSON <[email protected]>
NEWBURG, MO USA - Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 03:05:42 (EST)
Hey Jeannie Lou: I miss you and the Nashville Nightlife. We haven't seen Bob & Carolyn since we left the club. Call me sometime. (459-8161). Tell all hello - you look great and singing good as ever. Happy Holidays. Judi and Ira
Judi Martin <[email protected]>
Nashville, TN 37213 - Friday, December 13, 2002 at 15:25:44 (EST)
Don't know if Jeannie will actually see this but just in case I'd like to say that I love country music.By that I refer to the country I grew up with.While todays artists are surely talented and inovative in the music of today and I give them much credit but I gotta say there are no Jeannie Seeley's out there today.When she walks on stage and takes the mike you hear true country at its best.I just wish that I could turn on the radio and hear that kind of country sound.A sound with fiddles ,steel guitars and a no nonsense country song like those that Jeannie does.Jeannie, you are the best.Please keep singing. A fan forever...Elbert Lawrence([email protected]
Elbert Lawrence <[email protected]>
Port Leyden, NY USA - Friday, December 13, 2002 at 02:37:31 (EST)
PATHARRIS <[email protected]>
LANETT, AL USA - Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 20:05:25 (EST)
my husbands grandmother{from ALABAMA}really wants a cookbook she saids you put out at one time. Is it possible to get a copy to give to her for christmas? thanks a million!!!! sherry
sherry rodgers <[email protected]>
la vernge, tn USA -
Jeannie, To one of the greatest song stylists in the buisness...Love your music, and hope one day to meet you. My wife and I have been honored with introducing our boys to classic country music, taking them to Branson to see Leona Williams, Moe Bandy, and Jean Sheppard. Hope to introduce them to you one day. God bless you, and come to Missouri soon.
Bob Robinson <[email protected]>
Newburg, Mo. USA -
It is so great to hear you sing, Its hard to find real country music nowdays, hope you and your family have a joyus holiday season. keep up the great work!!
Arlis Schulte <[email protected]>
Hubbard, tx USA -
I Was Impressed With Your web site I enjoy Your show on the grand ole opry hope to see you At The Star Plaza In Merriville Indiana SomeDay
Patti <[email protected]>
Portage, INd USA -
Dear Miss Seely, When I came home from work tonight my children were so excited to show me the wonderful package from "the beautiful famous lady you sat with on the plane." Thank you for such a special gift. I truely appreciate it. I also want to thank you for the most enjoyable plane ride. I've always loved the Grand Ole Opry, but my appreciation for you and the other artists is now even greater. And I've been taking your advice to wake up everyday and make a decision to "make the day a good day." If you ever can find the time to come visit Vanderbilt's Children's Hospital I'd love to show you around. The children and parents would to meet you. Thank you again. Tom Doyle
Tom Doyle <[email protected]>
Hi Jeannie, My husband and I enjoyed seeing you this past weekend in Crystal River, FL. We also had the pleasure of seeing you perform at the Grand Ole Opry last June. Keep up the good work. You look great! God Bless
Jim & Becky Archer <[email protected]>
Tarpon Springs, FL USA - Saturday, November 09, 2002 at 19:17:42 (EST)
Hi Jeannie!!! Would love to open for you some day...Please check out my website and let me know what you think...What an honour it would be to be on the same stage as you!!!...Always a fan!! Evan Daniels
Evan Daniels <[email protected]>
Port Richey , Fl USA - Saturday, November 09, 2002 at 00:31:15 (EST)
hi jeannie!! I found your site which is a real acomplishment for me as bad as I am on a computer. just wanted to thank you for making a boy's dream from mansfield ohio come true.sharing the stage with you will be a cherished memory of mine are a true professional and such a class act always.your friendship i will always cherish.And I love you almost as much as those chocolate peanutbutter shakes we shared at the health food store. ooops! I wasn't supposed to mention those. again thank you for all you've done for me over the five years we worked together ya much your friend randy
randy young <[email protected]>
zephyrhills, fl USA - Saturday, November 09, 2002 at 00:29:46 (EST)
JIMMY DRY <[email protected]>
GILMER,, TEXAS USA - Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 23:02:55 (EST)
It is always a thrill to get to see Jeannie Seely perform. She has so much style and talent. I only wish that more of the current crop of lady singers would take a few leasons from Jeannie. By the way, thank you Jeannie for giving us the "shirt off your back."
Tracy Pitcox <[email protected]>
Brady, Tx USA - Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 15:14:38 (EST)
Jeannie. My dad played guitar on and off the opry for many years. His name is Bill Pollard, cousin to Jimmy Capps. He has played for you many years ago. We are producing a local-level country music TV show here in Pensacola, FL area and are asking some of the seasoned Opry members for a short video promo saying, Hi Folks, I'm Jeannie Seely and you're watching Back Porch Country with Bill Pollard. I myself have played country music for over 40 years. This man has given most of his life to country music. I'm doing this to keep him off the road now in his golden years. Would appreciate the promo. Please mail to Dale Pollard, 6341 Butternut Drive, Milton, Florida 32583. Thanks Jeannie.
Dale Pollard <[email protected]>
Milton, FL USA - Monday, November 04, 2002 at 22:58:40 (EST)
Hi Jeannie, I just now found your web page and am impressed. I had the privlege of meeting you at Nashville Nitelife about 4 years ago and am still a huge fan of yours...officially since I just joined your fan club. I look forward to hearing more about your new projects and hope to get any new CDs coming out. You're absolutely No. 1 in my book. Warmest regards, Pat Wortner
Pat <[email protected]>
Richmond, CA USA - Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 21:06:25 (EST)
Hi Jeannie I read your story in country music magazine this months issue Im still a fan of yours, always will be and still you are an interesting lady sure will be nice to hear a new cd of you Lots of luck cec
ceci edmunds <[email protected]>
waterford, mi USA - Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 15:26:02 (EST)
really a great site and great artist ! greetings from vienna !
georg <[email protected]>
austria/europe - Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 06:57:47 (EST)
Country Legends Fest at N.C. State Fair rocked. Keep it up, Jeannie.
Connie Lewis <[email protected]>
Farnham, VA USA - Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 08:00:09 (EST)
Jeannie, You were sensational tonight as always. The new song was also Great!!! Can't wait until your new album is ready.Keep it country!!!
Judy <[email protected]>
Iota, La. USA - Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 21:30:27 (EDT)
Jeannie,I love to hear you sing and look forward to seeing you on the opry I am 75 years old and you make me feel 20 again .I played country music for years .keep up the good work and God Bless
Paul Collins <[email protected]>
Melbourne, Fl. USA - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 22:12:28 (EDT)
God Bless You Jeanne. Keep up the good work. Up here in New Jersey we don't see or hear enough of what's going on down there in Tenn. Take care of yourself and bye.
Robert Williams <[email protected]>
Browns Mills, NJ USA - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 19:21:06 (EDT)
Jeannie, congratulations on most recent award!! Wanted you to know took both your C.D.'s to hospital again with me this past week- played them over and over. Heard you Saturaday night as well on the opry on WSM- - Am trying my best to get well so can go the Rock Crusher Canyon in Crystal River Nove 9th to see you- may have to rent a wheel chair and have somebody push me down the hill- Jut got to see you again after Eustis last year. LaWanda
LaWanda Raymond <[email protected]>
Homossassa, Fla. USA - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 13:17:19 (EDT)
Miss Mona, Bill was "surfing" last weekend when we found you. You're looking as wonderful as ever. Sure do miss seeing you. Hope we can get together again some day. LMH
Doatsey Mae
Nashville, TN USA - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 17:18:19 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie, my name is Michael Pool, I am a travel agent in St.Paul as well as the travel agent for Lynn Anderson, and several other country artist(s) and people in Nashville and around the country. Lookk forward to seeing you in Morton,MN on Oct 25..might have a little suprise for you....(tease tease) I am going to TRY and get you all upgraded on the flight from Nashville to Minneapolis...all ready got Ralsph and Joy upgraded now working on the rest..Jimmie Dickens, TG Sheppard and you....If I can ever be of any assistance to ya dont hesitate to call me...and for references you can contact Lynn Anderson...LaCosta Tucker,Cathy Gurley, Lisa Sutton etc all in Nashville my personal info is Mike Pool CIAC Travel 952-346-0157 or toll free 1-888-832-6882.
Michael pool <[email protected]>
St.Paul, MN 55101 - Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 19:22:37 (EDT)
I joined your fan club; it's about time that you had one. With a fan club and members from around the U.S., perhaps you will get up to Chicago some time. It's about time for the Opry to send another show up here. There are a lot of folks up here who will attend such a show. Jean Wood
Jean Wood <[email protected]>
Chicago, IL USA - Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 16:10:07 (EDT)
Enjoyed you last night in nearby Rising Sun,IN.And it was great to finally get to meet you,too.Keep up the great work,Jeannie!
Union, KY USA - Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 10:12:19 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie, I am and have been a fan of yours for a long time. You have always released fabulous material alone and with Jack Greene. I am a collector from way back and own quite a few of your albums. Several years ago, I ordered a cassette on your own label from Ernest Tubb's shop, and I was mowed over. You not only sound good yet; you are still an outstanding singer. I play it frequently, which is a compliment considering how much music I own. I regret that I have never had the opportunity to see you in person. Keep up the good work entertaining your fans. A fan always, Kevin Turner
Kevin Turner <[email protected]>
Harrisonburg, VA USA - Friday, October 04, 2002 at 12:48:28 (EDT)
Jeannie Please help keep the Opry alive. I am hearing some bad things up here in New Jersey. I love the old songs and the regular members of the Oprey. We don't hear your songs on the radio anymore and the Opry is the only place left.
Robert Williams <[email protected]>
Browns Mills, N.J. USA - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 16:20:20 (EDT)
Hello Jeannie: This is Brad. I just wanted to say thank you for the pictures, and "extra" autographs you sent me. Also, a special Thank you, to your webmaster, Ron Harman, A day or two after your pictures came, he sent me one of your 35th OPRY anniversary posters. That was really nice of him. Thanks for bring there for your fans, and it's a pleasure to listen to your music. Always Brad
Brad Yost <[email protected]>
Tazewell, VA USA - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 13:54:35 (EDT)
I was hoping you would be on the Earl White Show on WYXE, NOW he is gone and WYXE will be no more. I listen to the OPRY every week. YOU are GREAT! BYE
Mary Hiett <[email protected]>
HARTSVILLE, TN. USA - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 15:33:49 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie, I was just wondering if you could answer a question for me. I have been trying to figure out who it is that sang the song "Heartache Avenue". It is a song that was out between 1958 and 1960. I have always thought that it was Connie Hall but I thought that you might be able to help me out in finding the right name of the person who sang this song. Thanks a lot Jeannie! Nellie Horsman Canada
Nellie Horsman <[email protected]>
Berry Mills, nb Canada - Monday, September 23, 2002 at 15:10:21 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie, Bud and I saw you on a Songwriters show last night. It seems as if you have really been busy. I think you may really have something great going on with a vidio made at your home, it really sounds interesting, let us know when this will be seen. Hope to see you soon. Janice
Janice Lund <[email protected]>
Nashville, TN USA - Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 12:40:54 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie it sure was great working with you on jesse's show tonight, and thank you very much for the autographed picture. hope to see you again soon. technical director George Jackson
George Jackson <[email protected]>
Nashville, TN USA - Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 22:53:59 (EDT)
joanne harden <[email protected]>
guntown, ms 38849 - Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 22:50:51 (EDT)
I have your original album on Monument and many more. As a former Country DJ, I thought that you were an excellent comment to the leading male singers during those years. I miss you these days, as TNN took the Opry off and I don't receive the other station. Stop by my website, sometime. I wrote a little book on the History of Rockabilly music. By the way, I love your website. Very well done
Richard E. Jandrow <[email protected]>
Worcester, MA USA - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 20:45:18 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie! I certainly enjoyed the Grand Ladies shows at DollyWood! I just cant get over how great they were! What a thrill it was to see 3 of my all time favorites in the same show and singing together. I certainly hope that DollyWood continues having the Country Legends shows next summer! I cant wait to hear your bluegrass album! Im sure it will be fantastic, just like all your other albums (and I do own all of them!). Also, thanks to you Jeannie for always being such a nice and friendly lady, lots of performers wouldnt stand and talk to their fans or even sign autos and take pictures, but you do it all. Cant wait to see you in concert again! Love, Chris
Chris Barnes <[email protected]>
Morristown, TN USA - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 16:57:19 (EDT)
You're terrific! Wish we could hear more of your music these days! And, I'd like to purchase some of your early recordings. Where can I look?
Doreen Fusco <[email protected]>
Jamaica, NY USA - Monday, September 09, 2002 at 17:06:53 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie, Great website . My sister, Mom and I were in Nashville in April and saw you on the Opryand as always you were wonderful! We are driving down in October and will be at the Friday night show on the 25th., hope you will be on. I love watching the grand ladies and wish they would have more of the legends on and not so many "guests." You people made the Opry Great, I hope the powers that be don't forget that.
Susan Munro <[email protected]>
Jeddo, mi USA - Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 23:20:36 (EDT)
hi my name is beth ann greenwell am in the special olympecs i never get to hear from no one at all ok i never get nothing in the mail from no one at all ok i never had a singer for a special friend ever ok i would like to be special friends with you ok my birthday is june 18 this year ok i would like to have one of your cd from you ok singed by you ok am a special chrild ok
beth ann greenwell <mark greenwell @>
louisville , ky USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 14:31:14 (EDT)
For more than 30 years now Jeannie, the main things which have fueled my admiration of you, as well as our friendship, has been your wit, creativity, openness and unique understanding of others'... I, on the other hand, have never been known to allow the truth to get in the way of telling a good story... However, it is in a spirit of honesty that I pay homage to you and your incredible career achievements, as well to wish you well in all that you do in the future. This is a great website and a long over-due means by which your fans can express how you've touched them, in only a way that you can.
Jack Kent
USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 12:49:23 (EDT)
Hello Jeannie, I wanted to say hello and I hope you have a safe and wonderful Labor Day. Also to say how upset I was when I watched the 40 Best Women in Country Music today!! I don't know who picked the women, but do know there was a big mistake some where!Because I didn't see Jeannie Seely on there, but did see a few that shouldn't have been on there, that's for sure! I'm sure i'm not the only one that feels that way either.Just wanted you to know how I felt, so take care and keep singing and i'll keep listening. God Bless..Love, Your #1Fan Boots
Boots <[email protected]>
Malcolm, Al USA - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 23:50:43 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie:I love your singing very much.Keep the good work up.I see you on the opry from time to time and you still are a very good looking women.I like to no if you still wear them mini skirt. Because i would like to see you wear one on the opry tv show one time ok.You have some great looking legs on you. Larry
Larry <[email protected]>
Nashville, Tn USA - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 18:39:05 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie, The reason the women-folk request 'Can I Sleep In Your Arms' - is simply because it's a great sing-a-long, and so it makes perfect sense for us to want to sing along with Jeannie..... 8-) Thanks to Ann Allen, bless her heart, for spreading the word about your fan club! She's a special lady who always keeps me 'in the know'. Glad to hear you on WSM this evening, on the Opry as well as hostess for the Midnite Jamboree! Take care, Beth
Beth Ann Anderson <[email protected]>
Staunton, VA USA - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 02:06:37 (EDT)
Saw Jeannie at the Boyd County Fair, also. She did a wonderful job, as always. We were honored to have her stay with us in our home. We love you, Jeannie.
Carla and Steve Hunter <[email protected]>
Ashland, KY USA - Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 19:33:28 (EDT)
What a wonderful show at the Boyd County Fair. Thanks for being there and for talking to me in the midway before the show.
Mark Potter <[email protected]>
ASHLAND, ky USA - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 07:56:15 (EDT)
We really enjoyed seeing you at the Opry on Aug17.
Dana <[email protected]>
VA USA - Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 16:39:15 (EDT)
Just letting you all know that the info that Jeannie has a fan club has been posted on - I am trying to get the news out as I know many people will want to show their support and thanks for the 35 years Jeannie has given COUNTRY music. Thanks loads! Ann
Ann <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 08:24:27 (EDT)
I just want to say that having spent close to fifty years in the music biz, I know how hard it is to not only break into this business, but to stay in it as well. It's tough. And when Jeannie Seely first cracked the door open, it was even tougher for women. She stands a true testament that you can be a artist, a christian, and a lady in this business. And a lot of folks could learn a thing or two from her. I tell my artist that there is a Masters class in country music on the Grand Old Opry every Saturday night, and encourage them to watch and learn. Thank you Jeannie, and may you have all that you wish for. Col. Robert Morris
Col. Robert Morris <[email protected]>
Senatobia, Ms USA - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 08:55:58 (EDT)
Jeannie, I love the web site. The Bluegrass record is going to be a GREAT one! It's great to work with someone who really knows how to interpret a song - Men everywhere will be overcome with guilt when they hear you sing "The Next Voice You Hear Will Be Your Conscience."
Hugh Moore <[email protected]>
Raleigh, NC USA - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 08:35:32 (EDT)
GGGRRREEEAAATTT !!!!!Interview , we're still smiling and enjoying that chat on air , YOU wouldn't believe the people that are going to bring corn for you ! C ya Thurs , Big hugg ...Eddie
Eddie Riffe <[email protected]>
Boyd County Fair, Ky USA - Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 14:09:04 (EDT)
Congradulation Jeannie, on your 35th anniversary of being a member of the Grand Ole Opry!!!!!! And many many more.
Judy Daigle <[email protected]>
Iota, La. USA - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 15:12:06 (EDT)
Just stopping by to remind everyone that Jeannie now has a fan club - I appreciate all the support I have gotten so far and hope to hear from more of you - lets show our support to a top-notch entertainer! Just email me if you want an application! Thanks!!
ann <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 09:15:04 (EDT)
I enjoyed your show and meetng you at Angola, Indiana a year ago. I also enjoy Hi Jeannie, I enjoyed your show and meeting you at Angola, Indiana a year ago. I always listen to the Friday and Sat. nite opry. Do you and Jack Hi Jeannie, I enjoyed your show and meeting you at Angola, Indiana a year ago. I always listen to the Friday and Saturday nite opry. Do you and Jack Greene ever sing duets anymore? Are any of them available on records or cd's. Bertha, a very long time country music fan. h
Bertha Schmitt <[email protected] or [email protected]>
Muskeon, MI USAI - Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 23:42:25 (EDT)
I am the granddaughter of Jimmy Dry the fiddle player for the Jolly Green Giants that played with Jeanie Seely and Jack Green at the Grand Ole Opry. I just wanted to say hi and how much me and my husband and children enjoy listening to "Live at the Grand Ole Opry" cd, that my grandfather gave to me.
Christina Ross <[email protected]>
Tatum, Tx USA - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 09:57:19 (EDT)
Jeannie I really enjoy when you are on the opry. You do a great job whenever you do the MC part to. You are the greatest.
Randy Cowden <[email protected]>
Bloomington, IN United States - Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 22:42:49 (EDT)
DIANA DRY <[email protected]>
WILLIS, TX USA - Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 12:18:04 (EDT)
So pleased to see you now have a Fan Club- I know it is will be a great success-(Thanks to Best Friend-Ann Allen who is the President). Am anxiously waiting for my membership packet and for you to come to my town- Crystal River, Fla @ Rock Crusher Canyon- November 9th-Loved the Opry segment recently when you hosted. YOur No.1 Fan in Florida- LaWanda Raymond
LaWanda Raymond <[email protected]>
Homosassa, Fla USA - Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 02:30:34 (EDT)
Hello Jeannie, What a wonderful Web Site,I saw and read every word from start to finnish. I signed the Guestbook and left you a message, but it never showed up on the site.So I guess i'll try this again!! lol,lol.I hope it works this time! I wanted to say how much I have enjoyed your wonderful music over the years and to tell you that i'm so glad you have a Fan Club now.Thanks to Ann Allen a dear Lady I met on the RVS Fan's List, and have become friends with, that I found out about this. I'm over joyed and looking forword to getting my Jennie Seely Fan Pack. Thank's Ann you are a Great Lady, and i'm looking forword to meeting You and Jeannie in person one day soon. Thank's again Jeannie for sharing your beautiful music with all of us Fans for so many years. You are loved by all, so please keep singing and we will keep listening. God Bless you with many more years to come. Love, Your #1 Fan in Alabama. Boots (aka: [email protected]
Boots Minchew <[email protected]>
Malcolm, Al USA - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 12:49:31 (EDT)
Hello Jeannie, Thanks to your friend "Ann Allen" I joined your Fan Club today.I think you are one of the Greatest female Country Singers of all time! It sure was a joy to visit your Web Site today. Thank's so much for giving so many of us Fans all the wonderful music that you have over the years and still continue to do so.Your are truly a wonderful STAR and loved by every one. My the Good Lord Bless You with many more years to come.I too look forword to meeting you in person one day. So until then,You keep singing and i'll keep listening, God Bless... Love Ya, Your #1 Fan in Alabama. Boots
Boots Minchew <[email protected]>
Malcolm, Al USA - Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 18:43:33 (EDT)
As of August 1, 2002, Jeannie now has a fan club!!! This is her very first one, and the fact she will be celebrating 35 years on the Opry in September - I think it is long overdue -- so hopefully all her friends/fans will become a part of it. Just email me and I will be happy to send you an application. THANKS, Ann
Ann <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 13:00:06 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie. This is little Chrissie you remember me and my mom.....Shirley Snyder Antill from Gilson Ridge???
Christina Antill Brenizer <[email protected]>
Conway, AR USA - Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 02:37:13 (EDT)
Jeannie, It was great to get to visit backstage at the Opry with you on Saturday Night, June 22nd., the first since we cruised together last August. I just found out that you have a web site--GREAT. "Hello" to Denny also. Take care & God Bless.
Suzanne <[email protected]>
Okemos, MI USA - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 17:34:10 (EDT)
JUERG"GEORGE"OSWALD <[email protected]>
STEFFISBURG, BE SWITZERLAND - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 03:03:40 (EDT)
WEll Aunt Jeannie I hope you are having a fun time in Switzerland - Mom said you would be tired when you got home. Figure I should bring you up to date!! Yesterday I did something (don't know what) and boy Missy let me know in a heartbeat that I better not do it again!! Now if I knew what I did - I was just sniffing!! I do have a great home - my mom brought me home a surprise last night - a HUGE rawhide bone - sorta big for me - but I sure am having fun with it - and Missy better stay away from it - she didn't get one - so I know I am special!!! You did really good bringing me to this home - Thanks Aunt Jeannie and Mom says thanks too!! See you soon!! Love and kisses, Princeton (yes I have learned to give sugar!!!)
Princeton(written by his Mom) <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 13:30:15 (EDT)
Jeannie: I just wanted to let you know that I'm one of your biggest fans and that I appreciate the fine quality of your music. I enjoy watching you on Grand Ole Opry Live and listening to your music on the radio. You are definitely one of the greats!
Jason Ball <[email protected]>
Guysville, OH USA - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 08:13:00 (EDT)
Jeannie, Just checked out your web site and I am truly impressed..REALLY! And after reading all of the wonderful comments from your fans I know you are much loved...not only for your talent, but the kind of person you are. But, that doesn't surprise me. Because I know the REAL Jeannie. You're a great entertainer, but, more importantly, a dear friend. I owe you a birthday lunch...when and where? Jan
Jan Howard <[email protected]>
Nashville, TN USA - Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 02:48:12 (EDT)
What in the world is wrong with the Country Music Hall of Fame???????????...i question some of there inductees, but mainly i question why Jeannie Seely and Jean Shepard are NOT in the Hall of Fame. They are two of the greatest entertainers in the history of country music. God Bless Jeannie, and Jean.
James Watson <[email protected]>
Comanche, OK USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 19:36:28 (EDT)
Jeannie you did a good job Saturday night hosting the Opry. I wish they had you on alot more.
Robin Adams <[email protected]>
Berkley, Mass USA - Monday, July 08, 2002 at 14:56:59 (EDT)
Jeannie, Wanted to wish you a very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!. Hope it is your very best ever. Ann and I will be listening all night to you on WSM on line and talking all night long. Sure wish I had a Shadpoke, or a Princeton!! You are a very special lady. LaWanda
LaWanda Raymond <[email protected]>
Homosassa, Florida USA - Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 18:57:54 (EDT)
Happy birthday to ya, Jeannie, we love you!
Steve and Carla Hunter <[email protected]>
Ashland, KY USA - Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 18:40:41 (EDT)
Jeannie HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many many more. Have a Great Day as I know you will. Judy
Judy Daigle <[email protected]>
Iota, La. USA - Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 13:19:49 (EDT)
Happy Birthday to you ... Happy Birthday 2 u ... Happy Birthday Miss Seely... Hey Jeannie , Happy Birthday to you ! Huggs and kisses Eddie
Eddie Riffe <[email protected]>
Ky USA - Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 12:59:23 (EDT)
Happy Birthday Aunt Jeannie!!! Hope you come see me soon, I love my new home - I have even converted Missy to love me, too!! Well that might be a stretch - but she hasn't growled at me all day!!! Thanks for taking me to my new home - I sure do have the life of Riley!!!! Love, Princeton!!
Princeton <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 22:48:29 (EDT)
Randy Sillavan <[email protected]>
Trinity, Tx USA - Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 20:23:34 (EDT)
Jeannie, I think you are a super entertainer and a great Lady. Thanks for all the great entertainment. Jeannette Davis
Jeannette Davis <[email protected]>
Nashville, Tn USA - Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 13:56:28 (EDT)
What a pleasure to sign your guestbook. It is such an honor to be a part of your life. Enjoy all your work and love you very much.
Charles Arthur <[email protected]>
Kennett, Mo USA - Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 01:19:06 (EDT)
Just sayin' hi to all you Jeannie Seely fans out there. I first seen Jeannie in 1975 at the Opry. Have seen Jeannie numerous times since,Mostly they were shows in Pennsylvania. Last time I seen Jeannie she was with Leona Williams at the Ernest Tubb Midnight Jamboree. Donna f. campbell
Donna F. Campbell <[email protected]>
Town Creek, Al USA - Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 04:28:38 (EDT)
Listened to you yesterday on WSM from the Ryman - the voice sounded a bit better but surely not 100% - and I agree with Jan - things do tend to get lower - LOL!!! I have been preparing my rotten "kids" for a new BROTHER - don't think they are either one real impressed with this idea! But hopefully their noses won't be too out of joint for too long! Will see you soon - get well!! Love Ya!!
"Missy" and "Tammy's" mom <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Monday, June 17, 2002 at 08:49:43 (EDT)
Great Web sight. Have you ever thought of having a magnet made, to add to your merchandise that you sell? Bette
Bette Warren <[email protected]>
Ottawa Ont., Canada - Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 22:18:04 (EDT)
Anyone know whether Buck Owens is still touring? If you know of any info or sites about Buck, please send them to me. He is my mom's favorite singer. By the way, Jeannie, you are so pretty! Where do you get all those nice pant suits?
Tiffany Yeater <[email protected]>
Stewart, OH USA - Friday, June 07, 2002 at 19:45:52 (EDT)
Love the website
Diane Ticen <[email protected]>
El Cajon, Ca USA - Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 20:11:18 (EDT)
Hey Girl: I can't think of a clever church analogy to use right now, so I guess I'll just sign the guestbook. :-) Love ya!, Pip
Steve Pippin
Nashville, TN USA - Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 18:32:06 (EDT)
Hi, Jeannie, You are my alltime favorite singer.I love the closeup shots of your face as I can just see the mischief just pouring out of your eyes!!! I miss seeing you wear mini skirts any more as you have BEAUTIFUL legs WOW!!!------Love you ,Lee
Lee McCormick <[email protected]>
Burlington, Iowa USA - Monday, June 03, 2002 at 13:55:36 (EDT)
Keep up the great work Jeannie!!!!!
Joey Traughber <[email protected]>
Kokomo, IN USA - Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 13:31:46 (EDT)
I'm 16 years old and I love Jeannie Seely. Always enjoying watching you on the Opry and when hosting the Midnite Jamboree. Also enjoy your Christmas Show every year. Take care Jonathan
Jonathan Curry <[email protected]>
Shelbyville, TN USA - Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 23:13:43 (EDT)
I see that you scheduled to appear at Old Threshers' reunion in Iowa later this summer. You should find the people there really enthusiastic, and the place is "dog friendly". My family is originally from Iowa, and some folks I know often go to Old Threshers on a regular basis. For some of the folks in Iowa, it's like Fan Fair in Nashville. Just hope that it doesn't rain as the shows are outside. Jean Wood
Jean Wood <[email protected]>
chicago, il USA - Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 14:00:02 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie - very good website - enjoyed my cruise through it. During past years I've had many, many "Jeannie sightings" that I probably can't remember them all. What I really look forward to is my "Jeannie sightings" of the future. Hope to see you during Fan Fair.
Jean Brown
Coloma,, MI USA - Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 21:54:16 (EDT)
Dear Jeannie,its great overhere now that we can listen to the opry every weekend on the net and hear you sing. We are coming to NASHVILLE FOR FANFAIR AND WILL BE AT THE OPRY 14 15 21 22 JUNE it would be nice to meat you. GOD BLESS SAM,JOYCE.
Mr Samuel MCcracken <[email protected]>
YORK ENGLAND, UK YORKSHIRE - Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 17:18:46 (EDT)
Hi, Jeannie, "Love your websight" of course we both know who did the great job for you, "Ron". Say hello to shadpoke for me, hope all is well for you, a Friend and fan! Keith Youngster
Keith Youngster <[email protected]>
Goodlettsville, TN USA - Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 11:55:14 (EDT)
Wow! What a website! You certainly have an impressive biography, but, of course, we expect a bio to match your talent. You were great as a host on the Opry last Saturday night; it's about time that you ladies get to appear on the live show. Hope that the new pup is doing well. I met Shadpoke a few years ago. I too love dogs, but I am not allowed to have pets where I live. I usually attend the International Dog Show in Chicago every spring to get my "fix". Hope that you and some of the other Opry legends will come up to the Chicago area. I attended one of the shows in Joliet a couple of years ago. The show was sold out. People up here really do like Opry performers.
Jean Wood <[email protected]>
River Forest, IL USA - Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 16:38:42 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie Dot & I enjoyed your visit. The show was really great. Thanks for saying hi on the Opry to us on Sat. Millie & Jack are so much fun to be with. Any time you're in the area , we'd love for you to be our guest. I contact Al Stare in Dover, Pa telling him , if Jim & Jesse aren't able to preform, to call & get you. How is the rash? On tv we were not able to notice. Hope you found out what caused this. Do you still do the breakfast show? So long for now. Dot & Shirley
Shirley M. Wilt <[email protected]>
York Haven, PA United States - Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 19:01:17 (EDT)
Jeannie, we hear you will be playing the Boyd County Fair up here in KY. sometime in August. Can't wait to see you and hear your great music. Call us when you can. See you soon.
Carla and Steve Hunter <[email protected]>
Ashland, KY USA - Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 10:17:35 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie: Do you have your own fan club?
Tiffany Yeater <[email protected]>
Stewart, OH USA - Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 09:31:03 (EDT)
Hi from Missy's mom - the petition is still growing, although not near as fast as I would like - but every little bit will help. The powers that be did condescend to have you all in September(so I know it is helping) - which is better than nothing - but not enough! I will continue to push to get you all back this way on a longer basis in 2003 - still working on a couple theaters too! I think all this hard work deserves a picture of Cheyenne!!! and of course Shad and Hamilton!! Don't you agree?? catch ya later - have a good one, Love ya!! Tell Syl "Hi" too!
Ann <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 08:23:09 (EDT)
Hey Jeannie! What a great website. I've also found Jan Howard's and Jean Shepard's. The Grand Ladies are my favorite performers on the Opry. I visited the Opry on April 27th. You sounded great as usual. I especially enjoyed Sharon and Cheryl White joining you on " Those Memories". Thanks for all the great entertainment. Can't wait to see you at the Opry's Birthday in October. --Ginger
Ginger <[email protected]>
Proctorville, OH USA - Friday, May 03, 2002 at 12:15:56 (EDT)
Hi Jeannie, Glad I found your webstie! I think it's great. You may recall I met you a few years back at one of your breakfast shows in Nashville. I was the young guy that is related to Richard Bowden. I came all the way from Texarkana just to see you for my birthday. You were so nice and it was a day I will never forget. I still have the picture of the two of us framed on my wall (the one I sent you). I now live in Dallas, so you'd better get up this way soon!! Hope all is well with you. Love, Jason
Jason Cope <[email protected]>
Dallas, TX USA - Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 13:27:11 (EDT)
Jeannie, just read on your concert tour that you have a date booked November 9th,2002 in Crystal River,Fla. Do hope this date is at the Rock Crusher Canyon!!. You will love it as we love you. Citrus County,Florida loves the Legions of the Opry and Dear Beautiful Lady you are a Legion of Country Music. Can't wait to see you again in concert. LaWanda and Nikia (granddaughter)
LaWanda A. Raymond <[email protected]>
Homosassa, FL United States - Monday, April 22, 2002 at 01:23:23 (EDT)
I like your site, very well put to geather.
Dave Griener <[email protected]>
reno, NV USA - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 00:02:44 (EDT)
Jeannie, Think your one heck of a entertainer. was very dissapointed March 23 when you and Jan, Jean was left off the T.V. portion of the opry. Ya'll are the GRANDLADYS in my book. Tammy C. sure isn't one. But it seems like the opry forgets the ones who continue to carry on the traditions. You and Jan keep up the good work and congra's on the movie. Can't wait until it comes out. Judy Daigle
Judy Daigle <[email protected]>
Iota, La USA - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 22:55:15 (EDT)
Hey Jeannie , love the pic in Country Weekly . Take care , tell Syl hey !
Eddie Riffe <[email protected]>
Ky USA - Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 12:35:15 (EDT)
LYNNE GRIENER <[email protected]>
RENO, NV USA - Monday, April 08, 2002 at 19:52:33 (EDT)
Does anyone out there think it was an insult to Jeannie and Jan this weekend when the Opry was supposedly saluting the women in country?? Personally I DO!! I have no fault with the ones that were on - because yes they are paving the way too - but why not honor some of the legends that have made it possible for them to be where they are today??? I was pleased they chose to honor Tammy Wynette in song - but the others should have been on the live coverage - in my humble opinion - AND a number of others agree with me!! AND before anyone jumps on me- YES Loretta is a legend but she surely was out of it Saturday night - apparently something was really wrong with her -
Ann <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 10:53:40 (EST)
After working with you in the 70's, I knew you would only get better and more beautiful in the years to come. I cherish your friendship and enjoy your appearances on the Opry. Come see us in beautiful Hawaii. Love you....Noel
Noel Stanley <[email protected]>
Volcano, HI USA - Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 00:39:53 (EST)
Great website, Jeannie, love the picture of you on the Home or Opening page. Good luck to you and Jan in your upcoming "acting careers." I know you've been in other productions before on stage, am not sure if you have been in a featured film before. Anyway - good luck to you both and have fun doing it!! That's the name of the game!!
Jean Brown
USA - Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 00:34:40 (EST)
USA - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 21:20:41 (EST)
What a great surprise to get your phone call last Saturday! The web site is excellent. You look great. Hope you are feeling better and all went well at the Opry. WE will be coming to Nashville next week, March 29th or later. We'll get in touch with you before we head that way. Really looking forward to seeing you and Syl and the new addition, Cheyenne. Hope we can meet Denny while we're there, too. Love ya.
Carla and Steve Hunter <[email protected]>
Ashland, KY USA - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 18:33:59 (EST)
Great looking site. Of course with your picture how could it not be a great looking site. Hope all is well with you and the doggies ! I would love to see you soon.
Edward P Riffe <[email protected]>
Ashland, Ky USA - Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 10:49:21 (EST)
There's a COOL Jeannie Seely item on ebay! Item # 852279510
USA - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 22:36:53 (EST)
I think Jeannie puts new stars like Faith Hill, Trisha Yearwood, and Martina McBride to shame!
Lyndsey Ball <[email protected]>
Guysville, OH USA - Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 14:47:24 (EST)
This is a reply to LaWanda - I am happy you enjoyed the concert - but didn't I tell you that you would?? What you see on the Opry is a very small part of Jeannie - she is a great entertainer, personality bubbles over - I am so glad you decided to go see her in person - and I am waiting for the pictures!
Ann <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 12:16:24 (EST)
March 1st, on a last minute decision I traveled to Eustis,Fla. to a small venue called The Florida Southern Opry House. What an experience of a lifetime!- Mot only was it the best concert I ever attended but I had the priviledge of meeting a Legion of the Grand Ole Opry and a true Southern Lady. I sat front row at the feet of Jeannie Seely, not ten foot from one beautiful Lady. Jeannie, you sang your heart out for us, and made this small group of people, myself included feel as important as if we were heads of State. The true joy that emitted from your face when you sang a duet with your old friend from Fla. made you as radiant as an angel.After the show, when you were signing autographs and taking pictures with all of us that wanted a picture with you , again the love of your fans made you glow like an angel. What a beautiful Lady you are! Thanks for the experience of my life. LaWanda
LaWanda A. Raymond <[email protected]>
Homosassa, FL United States - Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 03:15:51 (EST)
Hi Jeannie! We sure enjoyed your Christmas show at the Gibson Theatre. You were so nice to come to our table and talk to us. The Grand Ole Opry is always better when you are on. We're Country & we're proud of it. We love you Jeannie. Shirley Bowser
SHIRLEY BOWSER <[email protected]>
LEBANON, TN. USA - Monday, March 04, 2002 at 21:30:32 (EST)
I enjoy your sense of humor and happy outlook.
Judy Hamilton
USA - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 20:05:32 (EST)
You are the greatest. This website is terrific. What a geat way to communicate with friends and fans. We've come a long way since the Rose Room. I love you!!!!
Mike Thrasher <[email protected]>
Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 07:19:01 (EST)
Terrific Testimony to a Top Notch Lady and Performer. Great site for a special person. Need to add a photo of her in her majorette costume though. Sorry we had to take your photo off the back of the stop sign in town (The State demanded it). Someone at the Post Home painted your chair pink and your clock stopped running (we need a new battery). Do what you can to keep your neighbor from becoming stuck in the mud and come see us when you can. May the worse day you have seen be worse than the worse that is yet to come.
The Mayor of Lillamay <[email protected]>
Lillamay, TN USA - Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 08:54:40 (EST)
Well once again Dollywood has goofed big time!!! I will never understand their reasoning on this decision - personally I think they already realize they have made a big judgment error - but doubt it will be overturned this season - but I would bet "Missy" and "Tammy" they will reconsider by next season and you all will be back!! As you well know I have thought seriously about turning our passes back - and still might - dumb decision on Dollywoods part. The petition reflexs that mother and I are not the only ones that feel this way. Ann
Ann Allen <[email protected]>
Sevierville, TN USA - Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 11:32:23 (EST)
Great site. Although, I think it would be greatly improved if you added pictures and comments about your wonderful neighbors!!!!
The neighbors daughter
USA - Friday, February 22, 2002 at 16:51:21 (EST)
Jeannie, My fiance and I met you two Christmas' ago at the Country Christmas show with Barry and DariAnn Amato and Ron Harmon. We were very entertained and excited to see and finally meet you. It's too bad I wirk weekends down at the Wildhorse otherwise I would come see ya down atthe Opry. Good luck in all your ventures and hope to run into you sometime soon again.
Taylor Casey <[email protected]>
Nashville, TN USA - Wednesday, February 20, 2002 at 20:11:19 (EST)
Hi Jeannie, Your website looks great! I was so disappointed to hear that Dollywood will not be having the show "Country Treasures" this year. It was a great show, and a wonderful chance for us to see the great country music legends like you, that we never get to see in California. That show was the reason we bought Season`s Passes. I made a petition to Dollywood to bring back that show. It is at Any chance that you could put something on your website about it, so that fans could see it and sign it? Anyone who reads this, please feel to sign it. I want Dollywood to know that we want to keep on hearing the country music legends in concert. Hope you come to California sometime soon!
Maryann Zukin <[email protected]>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Monday, February 18, 2002 at 23:45:37 (EST)
JUDY A . SISCO <[email protected]>
NASHVILLE , TN USA - Saturday, February 16, 2002 at 00:12:34 (EST)
Hello Jeannie! I am happy to see you with a web site up and running! Hope to Catch you backstage at the Opry in the near future!
Bill G Anderson <[email protected]>
USA - Friday, February 15, 2002 at 17:47:38 (EST)
The site is great! The pictures and bio are wonderful.Ron, e-mailed me on Sat. with the lastest.I printed it off for Mom,Dad and all to read. You'll always be #1 to all of us in PA. Keep up the great work! See you soon! Fondly, Roxie
Roxie Johnson <[email protected]>
Tionesta, PA USA - Monday, February 11, 2002 at 08:19:30 (EST)
This is an colorful site. Here's hoping it gets quite a bit of traffic. Thank you to Jeannie for the autographed 8X10 I recieved.
Mike Shiplett <[email protected]>
Akron, OH USA - Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 19:03:23 (EST)
I love this new site for Grand Ole Opry star Jeannie Seely. It is one of the best for any "Grand Lady" of the Opry. I look forward to checking back to see all the progress. A special THANK YOU to Jeannie for the beautiful autographed color 8x10 photo that she sent me. A great addition to my autography collection.
RICK CORNETT <[email protected]>
Toledo, OH USA - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 22:46:31 (EST)
This is a really great site. Hope to be down to Nashville this summer. Hopefully I'll get to see you again!
Kyle Harman <[email protected]>
Tionesta, Pa USA - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 17:21:14 (EST)
What a great webste, let me know if your ever going to be in the Datona/Orlando area.
Gayle E. Jones <[email protected]>
Daytona Beach, FL USA - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 11:15:05 (EST)
Finally a web site on one of the greatest entertainers of all time...Jeannie Seely! Jeannie has been a favorite of mine for years and I so enjoy all of her fabulous CD's and records. I do hope that 2002 will bring a new CD release! The world is a better place because of the talent of Jeannie Seely!
Sartell, MN USA - Wednesday, February 06, 2002 at 20:58:27 (EST)
Jeannie Have always loved your music. Your website is great. Keep up all the good work you do for country music. Thanks Judy Daigle
Judy Daigle <[email protected]>
Iota, La USA - Tuesday, February 05, 2002 at 22:54:44 (EST)